Photographer unknown |
Tony Blair’s government, bless their little
whiter-than-white cotton socks, did about two good things during their decade
in power, and one of them was criminalising hunting with dogs. Typically,
however, they did it badly, leaving whopping great loopholes that have led to
countless foxes being accidentally on purpose torn to shreds. It would have
made more sense to have gone the whole way, and ban the activity completely.
But maybe they didn’t want to upset the Bloodsports Alliance further – strange
really, as they never seemed too scared of upsetting the rest of us!
It was too much, however, for the bunch of high class
hooligans and Boy Mulcasters currently at the reins of our country. Not content
with destroying the economy and starting the smash-up of Britain ’s
treasured welfare services, they announced soon after taking office that they
wanted to repeal the hunting act. But to simply do so would make them too
unpopular with townies. Just like asylum seekers, Muslims, benefits claimants
and now even the disabled, wildlife had to be demonised. And so, ever so
coincidentally, the right-wing tabloids started publishing a spate of scare
stories about foxes (urban ones, mostly, but then it’s the town dwellers they
mostly needed to convince). It didn’t matter that we live in one of the safest
countries in the world where wildlife is concerned (due to having several
friends with Lyme disease, I’m far more frightened of ticks than I am of any
mammal), or that you’re far more likely to be bitten (if not mauled) by the
beloved pooch down the road than you are by a fox. As Hitler famously said, and
Tony Blair disastrously continued to prove, (some) people will believe any lie
if you make it big enough and tell it often enough.
Artist unknown |
These scare stories have not let up since. Reports of
people having been mugged by foxes for their bag of chips, terrified by them as
they sat cool as cucumbers on their bed, or bitten because they were silly
enough to offer them a hand instead of a sandwich, still proliferate. Then, a
month ago an unattended baby had its finger bitten by a fox that wandered
in through an open door, and suddenly the Mayor of a panic-stricken London was calling for a
Frodo or Flo at the British Wildlife Centre |
An interesting thing often happens if you spend any time
actually watching animals. Whenever I’m lucky enough to see an urban fox, it
either runs away or sits still and looks at me, probably hoping I have a
sausage roll in my hand. But two years ago I had the opportunity to get really
close to two foxes, Frodo and Flo (and on another occasion Ellis the cub), at
the British Wildlife Centre in Surrey . This is
what I wrote back then.
The British Wildlife
Centre is an hour’s drive away from Eastbourne, and very close to the beautiful
Ashdown Forest (where a certain Winnie-the-Pooh
once lived). Last autumn I visited it with Angie, and for about half an hour or
so I spent time in their fox enclosure, photographing these beautiful animals
as they were fed by the keepers. I got some lovely photos, but it was also a
very moving experience for me. As I sat so near the foxes, I couldn’t imagine
how anyone could want to chase, terrify and kill them. Their resemblance to
certain household pets (and I always think of them as curiously cat-like dogs,
even though they’re far more closely related to the latter) was incredibly
striking. The same look of intelligence was present in their eyes and
behaviour. Would any of those ‘hunters’ traumatise and kill their beloved dogs
or cats? No!
Waiting for chick dinner! |
My passion for foxes
really began in those moments of closeness. I tend to agree with the Buddha
that most acts of evil or cruelty are done in ignorance of our shared natures.
We don’t have to anthropomorphise animals to make this true. It’s a scientific
fact that we’re all related; humans and all other animals have common
ancestors. – (Shared Natures, 22 April 2012)
Sentimental? Anthropomorphic? Maybe, but then I don’t
really care – either of those traits is harmless in this instance. But I fell
in love with foxes that day. They’re extraordinary animals, now threatened with
the ultimate punishment for simply doing their best to make a living in the
world (just like us) – and doing it
pretty well, I might add! And far from being ‘vermin’, as they’re so often
described in the bog roll papers, they have far more in common with our beloved
and ever popular pet dogs and cats. Imagine if a council called for the
confiscation of all dog-owners’ pets, on the grounds that they ‘might’ attack
someone (which happens about every day). People would be outraged, wouldn’t
they? Some people love their dogs so much, they’d probably put their lives on
the line to protect them.
Ellis with the keeper who hand-reared him |
Yet in the end, the prejudice against foxes results only
from ignorance – that and a credulity about what people read in the papers. People
who spend time with our fellow mammals (and foxes are very close relatives of
ours, as organisms go), know them and recognise their kinship with us.
Children, especially, are capable of relating even to ‘primitive’ animals that
most of us would find difficult to like. Here’s the psychotherapist, meditation
teacher and writer Tara Brach, writing about her son:
On my son Narayan's
sixth birthday I gave him an ant farm. He spent hours watching with fascination
as the little creatures magically created their network of tunnels. He named
several and followed their struggles and progress closely. After a few weeks he
pointed out the ants' graveyard and watched with wonder as several of them
dragged the bodies of their dead comrades and deposited them there. The
following day when I picked Narayan up after school he was visibly distressed.
He told me that on the playground the kids had made a game out of stepping on
ants. He was horrified that they were hurting these friends he so admired.
I tried to comfort him
by explaining that when we really spend time with any living beings -- as he
had with the ants -- we find out that they are real. They are changing,
animated, hungry, social. Like us, their life is fragile and they want to stay
alive. His playmates hadn't had the chance to get to know ants in the way he
did, I told him. If they had, they wouldn't want to injure them either. – (Radical Acceptance, 2003)
"Am I in focus?" |
Increasingly in this world where war and persecution seem
to have become the norm, many people seem drawn to the Buddhist philosophy of
non-harming – from the rise in vegetarianism, to all those who work or
volunteer for animal rescue or conservation projects. And people love wildlife;
see how popular TV programmes like ‘Springwatch’, ‘Countryfile’ and David
Attenborough’s series are! Except that, when hate, fear and prejudice are
stirred up by the gutter press, people don’t want their wildlife on their
doorstep – or disabled people or ‘scroungers’, either. So many of us are so
easily stirred up into prejudice and fear. Fear, of foxes! It’s nonsensical to
me, because when we get really close to them we usually love them. But so much
is nonsensical in this deteriorating country, which shows every day just how
easily (some) people’s prejudices can be switched on – with just a headline or
Frodo and Flo love to sleep in the sun. |
There are many reasons why culling foxes is impractical and ineffective, from the ridiculous expense (in a time of 'austerity'!) to the fact that new fox families tend to move into the vacant territory afterwards. But surely the worst thing about a cull would be the totally unnecessary cruelty involved. Urban foxes aren’t the ones the toffs in power want to
hunt, of course. The calls for a cull are mainly to help influence public
opinion, through appealing to the worst in our natures. Demonising wildlife
means that we then start to see them as ‘other’, as pieces of vermin that can
be hunted without qualms. To allude to Tara ’s
words, we forget that they are real – that like us, they only do what they know
how to do, to be happy, to survive. Most of us love wildlife, but unfortunately
it’s the psychopaths (of whatever party) who ‘run’ the country, and control the
media who support them. And if they apparently have no qualms about
exterminating human beings for political reasons, they’re not likely to feel
guilty about some of their core voters terrorising and killing our fellow creatures,
whose skins some people still wear to keep their dainty little necks warm.