I’ve just finished reading Karen Armstrong’s book, ‘A
Short History of Myth’, which my partner Angie found in a charity shop and
brought home for me. I was ambivalent about reading it, and to be honest I
still am - slightly. But it’s a quite absorbing and informative book, despite a
few biases and omissions, and packs a great deal of rich thought and ideas into
its 140 pages.
Knowing Armstrong’s Christian background (she was a
Catholic nun for several years, but
writes ecumenically about all the world’s main religions), I was worriedly expecting
it to have an anti-scientific bias, which I think is somewhat evident in the final chapter. She does however,
describe myth and science as in some sense opposites, accepting that we ‘need
both’ in order to fully live in and understand the world. And despite my own,
normally scientific bias, I share her concern about the way that the
consequences of the Age of Enlightenment have made it difficult for many of us
to think mythically. Scientists like Richard Dawkins (much as I like much of
his work) often seem to regard myths as nothing more than ham-fisted, ignorant,
childish attempts to explain the Creation or the physical universe around us.
What Armstrong says is that the whole point of myths is that they’re not literally
true. The Genesis myth is not literally true, and Jesus himself was
mythologised by St Paul .
The Catholic doctrine of original sin (which, amongst other things, began the
Church’s morbid preoccupation with sexuality), was St
Augustine ’s re-interpretation of the Eden myth, and has no real basis in the
Bible. The ‘Holy Trinity’ is a myth created to express the impossibility of
limiting the inexpressible to a ‘Father God’ or other such representations. She
might have said (though she doesn’t) that ‘The Lord of the Rings’ or the
Arthurian myths are not literally true. A successful myth is ‘true’ in the
sense that it expresses, obliquely and through metaphor, deep truths about our
lives and encourage us to live in certain ways (often through hardship) and with
nobility and courage. If a myth moves us deeply and brings a sense of
deep-rooted, ethical meaning into our lives, then it is ‘true’. It’s a
successful myth. A myth that doesn’t do this is unsuccessful and fades away. But
the fact that none of them are literally true does not make them unimportant.
In such a short book, Armstrong leaves a lot out and her own fields of interest are consequently very evident. In a way, she might almost have called the book ‘A Short History of Religion’. She concentrates, after taking us through the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods (which I feel involves a fair few simplifications about these vast periods of time, and a lot of guesswork about the mythologies described, since none of them were written down at the time), mainly on the three Abrahamic religions, with a fair amount of space given to Buddhism and Hinduism and a bit about Confucianism. So: the Middle East,
What I learned about the Abrahamic religions (Judaism,
Christianity and Islam), was fascinating. Apparently it’s only in recent times that their
sacred texts have been taken as literally as they are today by many of their
adherents (I'm not sure quite how convinced I am by this). Armstrong explains how each story in the Koran was presented quite
openly as a myth; the tales in the Old Testament are similarly myths, and many
of them cannot possibly be literally true because they break the laws of
physics or contradict historical evidence. But they are powerful myths, and
this explains their dominance in the world for so many centuries, indeed
millennia. The life of Jesus, thanks largely to the efforts of St Paul , is a powerful myth for Christians. Jesus cannot
have literally risen from the dead, but it’s what his story tells Christians
about their personal ‘rebirth’, redemption and resurrection that’s important.
It’s what makes his life story (an archetypal one, in that it bears such strong
similarities with other myths in other cultures) so deeply moving for those who
‘believe’ in him – even after two millennia.
In the final chapter, while lamenting the decline of myth
in the Western culture of the last few centuries, Armstrong describes how the
deep human need for myth keeps trying to express itself wherever it can. I like
the way she feels that modern novels are a way that we can tell new myths, and
re-invent old ones (her explanation of the ways in which art and contemporary
story-telling can fulfil this role, is convincing). And here I feel it’s a
shame that she doesn’t even mention fantasy literature and science fiction,
which is myth-making in ‘novel’ form if ever there was one. J. R. R. Tolkien said
that his creative literary work arose out of a desire to create a ‘mythology of
England ’ – our original myths
having been obscured by various cultural and physical invasions, particularly
the Norman
takeover of 1066. In his ‘Silmarillion’ stories, which he kept telling and
retelling throughout his creative life, he provided a rich creation myth
(involving a ‘Fall’! – Tolkien was a Catholic) with a Scandinavian and Germanic
flavour which is deeply powerful and moving. It has a tremendous resonance, as
does ‘The Lord of the Rings’, which is a myth that can be read on many levels,
but particularly about power (and the renunciation of power) and ‘growing up’.
Personally, I think it’s a ‘true’ myth. When I first read it, I occasionally
had to remind myself, when I found myself lost in Middle-earth while working or
performing household tasks, that it wasn’t history – it hadn’t actually
happened, and could never happen in the real world. Because it felt as if it had! I think the profound
resonance this book has for so many people – a resonance that far outstrips
that of the vast majority of fantasy writing – is precisely why (even before
the films were made, and despite constant sniping by the Arbiters of Literary
Taste), ‘LOTR’s popularity has never waned in the half-century since it was
written. It still has claims to be the most popular, the most loved, book by
readers in the British Isles - a nd of course
it’s loved throughout the world as well.
Due to my own personal interest, this paragraph has been a
bit of a sidestep! But I enjoyed Armstrong’s book, despite feeling just a
little irritated now and then. I think both my interest and irritation result
from feeling at a crossroads recently regarding both science and religion. I
love science; I think it’s by far the best way we have of understanding the
physical universe, and I’m agnostic about the idea of a universe which isn’t
physical. If anything else exists, I don’t think we have a way of knowing about
it for certain. Science strongly suggests that the material universe is all
there is (but what an ‘all’!), and metaphysical experiences may turn out to
have purely physical causes that can be understood by science. But at the same
time, I’m increasingly alienated by the aggressive atheism of Dawkins, Hitchens
(now deceased) et al. I sympathise with its frustrations, but for me, the way
to weaken religious fanaticism and stupidity is not through aggressive atheism but through
tolerance (which is the opposite of fanaticism).
I’ve also found myself increasingly attracted in recent
years to Buddhism, partly because not everyone even regards it as a religion,
but also because I’ve been practising vipassana (mindfulness) meditation as a
therapy tool for living more happily with chronic pain and anxiety. I’m also
attracted to Buddhism’s emphasis on kindness and compassion, its ethical system
based on non-harming (and tolerance). Despite ethical similarities with many
other religions, Buddhism feels a long way from the guilt and sin-preoccupied
Catholicism I grew up with. It’s deeply refreshing. I find it hard to relate to
the ritual and ‘religious’ aspects, but there’s a growing secular movement
which lifts a lot from Buddhism, and its core beliefs and practices can be
followed without any mention of the supernatural. And it’s not a theistic
religion, by a long way. So this, together with Armstrong’s treatment of
religious texts as mythology, and the realisation that myths can in a sense be
‘true’, suggests to me that everything is more complicated and more subtle than
the new atheists seem to realise. The belief systems of the American Christian
far-right and the Taliban may be deeply childish and crude, but they are not
something with which to judge the whole, complex and often immensely
frustrating mythologies of the world – religious or otherwise.
It’s also possible that the future of a world where myth
has been discredited, even by religious leaders who insist on taking their
texts literally, might be more hopeful than Armstrong imagines. Because many of
us seem to equate science either with technology, or with a field of knowledge
so arcane and difficult that it’s intellectually beyond us, I think we are
often unaware of the sense of wonder and meaning that science can engender. As
we learn more about ourselves and the universe, we learn more about our place
in it – a place which often seems so miniscule and insignificant that people may
react either with despair or a defensive retreat into fundamentalist religion.
But it isn’t necessarily like that. Exceptional, visionary scientists and
writers like Carl Sagan, without leaving behind their commitment to rational
thought, have communicated such a sense of wonder about the cosmos that logos and mythos don’t seem so far apart. “We are made of star stuff”, Sagan
said, and in a demonstrable, scientific sense, we are. Our bodies are formed
from the very atoms created by exploding stars billions of years ago. We could
say that we are the universe made conscious, a way for the cosmos to know
itself. Similarly, we are also direct descendants of the very first and
simplest forms of life to have evolved on this planet, and every other living
thing in the world today (or that has ever lived) is in a profound and provable
sense our cousin. These ideas are, to me and many others, so awe-inspiring that
they have something of the power of myth – and yet they are demonstrably,
literally true as well.
The way to these profound discoveries was paved with the
scientific virtues of objectivity, experiment, testability – not with the
ancient ways of storytelling and myth-making that has served us throughout
human existence, and which people still seem to hunger for, because the
conflation of science with technology and their guilty, perhaps unconscious
sense that religion doesn’t stand up as ‘truth’, has left them with nothing to
feed the human sense of wonder.
These scientific ideas may even provide the germ of the
kinds of modern myths which Armstrong passionately cries out for in her final
chapter: compassionate myths which address the reality of our global village,
in which we are all dependent on one another. In a way, the discoveries of
biology and astronomy and physics are not incompatible with Buddhism, whose
emphasis on kindness and compassion for
all beings seems increasingly attractive to educated westerners. And again,
one of the reasons for the enduring popularity of Tolkien’s works may be their
reminder of the need to cherish all things of this earth (or Middle-earth), our
deep interdependence with nature, and of how easily everything we need and love
can be swept away by corruption, greed, technological destruction and love of
power. As Armstrong pleads, we need myths that help us deal emotionally and
ethically with these realities. ‘This is crucial’, she writes, ‘because unless
there is some kind of spiritual revolution that is able to keep abreast of our
technological genius, we will not save our planet.’
These previous few paragraphs are just thoughts, stimulated by a night’s reading and writing when I should really be fast asleep! At the moment, I haven’t reached a place in myself where I feel comfortable in relation to atheism and religion, or science and myth. My agnosticism in part stems from my deep confusion. But it’s an interesting journey. And it’s one that many, perhaps a growing number of people, seem to be sharing.
Meanwhile, give Armstrong’s book a read. There’s plenty in
even this short history that I didn’t know before – and it’s a deceptively slim
book which is full of rich ideas. It will really get you thinking!